Making of ACAS 8: Invited Student Talk Series

When an idea you have floated has been adopted by many and when the term has been around for a while, it is usual for it to be treated as another mundane act. The question, 'what's big deal about it?', too can be raised. Though there is a real divide separating the name-dropping and actual performance, it is hard to single out the action from a mere poster these days. This is true about invited Student Talks too. It is actually a strong why-not mindset that drives innovation everywhere. The catalyst to creativity is the urge to crack the existing hard-formed, tradition-cemented templates with the why-not kick. The idea of introducing an Invited Student Talk Series was the outcome of such a why-not thought.

The Plan

If there can be Invited Talks delivered by the Faculty and Subject Experts, why can't there be talks delivered by the students invited for the purpose? The crop of youngsters, who have enrolled in our colleges and universities though have access to information, they lack platforms to present and defend what they (think they) have learned. Rather than treating them as another student talk, we wanted to scale it up and treat them as adults on a platform big enough. They will be treated with respect and will be made to feel as a student expert. The whole idea is to make the occasion and space breath more energy and passion into her/him. When the students are given a platform in an institution which is not their home ground, they will be exposed to an unfamiliar crowd and the possible discomfort and stress will follow. This too helps them face bigger audiences in the future. The fact that they were picked for the invite adds to their confidence and their names and pics on the posters is another feel-good assurance. 

The Implementation 

The whole Invited Student Talk Series began in a small way as an English Department initiative at ACAS. As part of the World Environment Day observance, the Dept launched lnvited Student Talk which focussed on presenting reviews of books which are based on pro-environment, pro-sustainability themes and arguments. This series, which was widely accepted, was later upgraded into a whole institution practice removing the theme-restriction. From the covid period online event it was transformed into a blended format post-covid. In fact, it was when the idea gained currency as students from institutions around the state and beyond began to show interest in featuring in the programme that we decided to upgrade it into an institutional practice. 

Under the leadership of the Institutional coordinator, we initiated deliberations in this regard and the various core departments of the college were taken into confidence. Into the Annual Year plans prepared by the Departments, the Invited Student Talks Series (ISTS) was embedded and the Dept leadership, through the coordinators, ensured that this formed a regular fixture. All the departments took the ISTS in the right spirit and took genuine efforts to invite quality students from institutions around. In all the collaboration we have had with HEIs, ISTS constituted a part and that offered excellent opportunities for the student community of both institutions to connect with each other. 

What was started as a Dept initiative in 2021, grew into an Institutional practice in 2022 and in 2023 we launched it as a series under the name, Invited Student Talk Series (ISTS). Like a number of other practices of the College, it evolved to be what it is today, through modest small time beginning. Often such events lend us the confidence to take to the next level and we don't hesitate. The why-not feel grips us and we scale up! 

The Challenges

Primary responses from those who saw the posters about the Invited Student Talks were of uncertainty. They were wondering whether it was too much to consider the students as an 'invitable' category. But while the objectives of the initiative was explained, the critics not only turned around but also started applying the similar thoughts at their ends too. Obviously we need to scale down our expectations occasionally to the student level, even when we happen to feature the best of our students. But if we teachers can't do that, who else can?! Let it be still stated that many of those invited Student Talks were excellent and some proved they could sure compete with the faculty members!

Here too the faculty members had an important role to play in networking with the faculty members of other institutions to bring in student from their departments. A mere invite won't land them in our campus! Again, we were supplying them reasons to connect to other campuses, to meet, to know and to build relationships. It was a challenge and yet another opportunity for my colleagues. It was a struggle to start off but they were quick to connect and to pick the right institution and right student for the invite soon. 

The Takeaways 

Invited Student Talks were a genuine attempt to turn the focus back on the learners and that has been the biggest advantage too. More than 100 Students have been part of the series so far and they were all delighted that they could present before a different audience. For many of them it was a first too. Many of those channelised the courage acquired through that exposure and came back to our seminars as presenters and even as student keynote speakers! In fact, 15 of the invited Student speakers returned to us as student keynote speakers for our International Student Seminars. 

The other benefits include the way many other institutions have introduced the same idea (often under a different name). This is a matter of satisfaction as it is an instance of a very constructive idea catching on, benefitting a larger number of students. Yet another significant outcome was the way our faculty members began to train a number of students so that they will be able to deliver invited talks in other institutions. 

The Wayforward 

Moving forward, the College can pick it up from where it is left off. But like all good practices it will have to be tweaked and rediscovered. The variations on the theme should be taken to novel heights. It can be done focusing on the group which passes through the ISTS and following them up. Another option is to provide requisite capability enhancement exercises for those who aspire to make it. More than 100 Invited Student Talks have been hosted by the college so far and that is indeed satisfying. There are multiple lateral pathways the why-not mindset can open up further and those will surely diversify the road ahead.  

Babu. P. K. Ph D. 


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