Making of ACAS 10: AHELS
A one year old institution planning a Higher Education Leadership Summit is not the rarest of possibilities, but not a common one. All the more so when that baby-HEI happens to be a self financed Institution. The idea was with me at the very start of the institution, even though it was shared with the institution leadership only after a couple of months hesitation. Institutional leadership can carry a different connotation: an institution that leads other institutions through it practices, processes and procedures. The ACAS vision had this thought of leadership embedded in its DNA, the idea of leading the leaders. AHELS was another serious push towards the realisation of this goal. The plan Hosting a Summit of the Higher Education Leaders with focus on a theme of current relevance was the early thought. The initial drop of the idea for sure was greeted with raised eyebrows and subtle expressions of incomprehension by the institutional leadership. To be fair, the chemistry b...