Making of ACAS 13: Faculty Websites
College where each one of the faculty members has a website of her/his own is a rarity. Neither is it mandatory to be that way. Unless the need can be justified strongly, there is no rationale to argue in favour of this. I don't think the digital presence and footprints will grow so exponentially that each professional will need to have one personal website. But many professionals who take themselves seriously create permanent, impressionable presences on the world wide web as it improves their visibility and showcases their activities and achievements. My efforts at ACAS have been to impress upon each member of the faculty community that they are professionals who take themselves and their career development seriously. Hence the idea to make the faculty members find their early digital foothold with at least personal Googlesites. Since ACAS had established an ecosystem which promotes sustained faculty professional development with a suite of programmes addressing the promotion of ...